”make it great“ by jobs一切的一切在皮克斯的手笔下都会是那么细腻温馨长城守卫军花木兰被草(德田恐龙)全本最后那一声kitty彻底感动到我的骨髓里谢谢皮克斯带给我们的欢乐也愿大家能给周围人带来笑声而不是恐惧
I was expecting something properly controversial here with all that fuss, instead I saw the safest, perhaps most unoriginal way of making fun of the Nazis. Scarlett Johansson's character, with a perception that's clearly modern and new, is completely out of place. The entire Nazi environment depicted in the film was made up purely of the writer's tabloid, superficial (mis)understandings of Nazism. Filled with hackneyed symbolism and plain kitsch, there's absolutely nothing bold or adventurous in this film (the only 'good' nazi has to be a gay, how surprising). Anyone who says this film works against political correctness doesn't know the first thing about contemporary politics.