1.很喜欢两人在众目睽睽下有意无意的互相照顾有种你知我知的默契但随机事件略多段落之间不连贯以及有些设计有点刻意 2.“《斗美神》啊小妞全被你们泡走了”、华少坐在摩托车后座听着十年前华仔的感悟……杜sir半调侃半致敬自己好有意思
Scorsesian themes & Hitchcockian drama in typical De Palma style. If Carlito’s way is considered as one the greatest classics of gangster movies, it’s deservedly so. The movie is bolstered by an overpowered cast & larger-than-life performances fleshing out fantastic characters. Among them, Sean Penn steals the show with an impressive portrait of a high-profile shyster turning into a Pesci-esque gangster. The script doesn’t reinvent the wheel: a crack-pusher comes out of the can, unsuccessfully tries to retire, can’t be saved by love, ends up lying on a stretcher. But it’s the perfection of the execution and the director’s signature that make for a succulent feast. Welcome to Vice City.